Forma Light IPL – Effective and Fuss-Free IPL Skin Rejuvenation (PHOTO-FACIAL)






At JSC we use the Forma Light IPL Skin Rejuvenation System, “differentiated from all others by its cutting-edge technology which guarantees precise treatment and minimized side effects.”

Skin Rejuvenation results include minimising:

  • Redness
  • Broken Capillaries
  • Sun Damage
  • Acne

The Forma Light difference is that the device uses square pulsed light, which guarantees even distribution. This is an advancement in IPL Skin Rejuvenation technology.

Other dated devices generally produce an uneven beam distribution. This uneven distribution causes a ‘hot-spot’, with square pulsed light we are able to provide a more stable current, therefore, minimising undesired side effects. 

Forma Light delivers more predictable results for both doctor and visitor, to deliver results. Forma Light is one of the most elite IPL devices on the market, so you can ensure you are receiving the best IPL available.

What is Intense Pulsed Light & How does it work?

  • Intense pulsed light, also known as photo-facial and photo rejuvenation, is based on emitting high intensity pulses of light (not lasers) to penetrate the skin and enhance your skin with no downtime.
  • IPL Skin Rejuvenation therapy is a “quick-fix” procedure requiring virtually no downtime to rejuvenate the skin and restore a youthful glow. The treatment stimulates new collagen to form in the skin thereby reducing fine lines, minimizing pore size and acne scars, and increasing skin elasticity.
  • This treatment also diminishes flushing or redness of the face associated with Rosacea. It can also reduce brown spots, erase broken capillaries, and smooth roughly textured skin.
  • Although it is possible to actually shrink sebaceous glands (oil glands) and pore size with repeated treatments, the number of treatments necessary to achieve this result varies from person to person.

What you can expect from the Forma Light IPL system

  • Rejuvenate the skin
  • Repair sun damage
  • Improve age spots and freckles
  • Repair broken capillaries, vascular lesions and rosacea
  • Acne (Treament of Inflammatory Acne)
  • Hair Removal